Commercial Landscape Construction


About Our Commercial Hardscaping Service in HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, OH

Rely on DiNunzio Landscaping, with half a century of experience, for superior hardscaping services for your commercial property. Our portfolio includes installing sod, custom pavers, patios, pergolas, shrubbery, putting greens, stairs, retaining walls, ponds, waterfalls, and outdoor kitchens. Our expert landscapers display quality craftsmanship and attention to detail in every construction project we perform in Highland Heights and surrounding areas. Request a free quote for landscape construction from us today. Choose DiNunzio Landscaping for outstanding service that not only enhances the value of your property but also allows you to appreciate the elegance of expertly crafted outdoor spaces.

Our Lawn Care & Landscaping Services


A person is riding a lawn mower on a lush green lawn.

Commercial Lawn Care & Mowing

A person is cutting a hedge with a hedge trimmer.

Commercial Landscape


A small waterfall is surrounded by rocks in a garden.

Commercial Waterfall


A man is blowing leaves on the side of the road.

Commercial Property

Clean Ups

A large building with a lush green lawn in front of it

Commercial Fertilizer &

Weed Control

A mini golf course with a white ball on the green

Putting Green


A red lawn aerator is working on a lush green lawn.

Commercial Aeration &


A truck is plowing snow on a snowy road.

Commercial Snow &

Ice Removal

A person is raking the soil in a garden with a rake.

Commercial Mulch
